Avoid Making These Podcasting Mistakes

Podcasting is an impactful and effective way to engage with your audience and build your brand.  Many people start podcast with passion and enthusiasm, only to lose interest and abandon their listeners. But all podcasts are not created equal.  Here are some of the most common podcasting mistakes to avoid if you want to create a popular and successful podcast.


1. Not knowing you’re your target audience

If you don’t know your target audience, you won’t be able to create content that really speaks to their pain points and needs. 

2. Not scripting your podcasts 

Some people think they can just hit the record button and rant about anything. NO. You need a beginning, middle and end to your program. At the beginning, you will have an introduction and a few warm-up statements and other relevant information. The middle of the program will be the meat and potatoes. The end of the program will be a summary, closing statements, and at least one call to action (CTA). 

3. Not having a call to action (CTA)

Tell your audience what you want them to do after hearing the podcast. It could be "like" on Facebook, share, subscribe, or take advantage of your special offer on your website. 

4. Not setting a goal for each podcast

One of the main reasons why many podcasters don’t include a CTA is because they have not set a goal for the podcast in the first place. What do you want to achieve? More traffic, subscribers on your podcast channel, in your email marketing list, sales, something else? You can’t create a clear CTA and measure your results if you don’t set a goal from the outset. 

5. Trying to do it all yourself

Some people want to be a one-man band and do everything themselves, but this will put a lot of pressure on you and eventually make it boring for listeners. Try to ask people who know about podcasting to help with the technology side. Make a list of people you would love to have on the show as a guest to chat with or to interview. 

6. Not preparing the interview questions ahead of time

Providing questions to your guests will help them be prepared which will result in a great conversation. This will help eliminate any misunderstanding on the nature and the direction of the conversation. 

7. Not having the right equipment

You need a high-quality microphone, such as a USB one that can record through your computer. If you are going to have guests in your studio area, you need to make sure your setup can handle more than one microphone. 

8. Not having the right recording software

You need a high-quality file that will be pleasant for your audience to listen to, without a lot of stammers, mistakes and long pauses. Audacity is the industry standard and is easy to use. 

9. Not checking your recording level 

It is really frustrating if any file has been recorded at such a low level it can barely be heard. Do a full check before recording. 

10. Not using professional images to promote your podcast

Your podcast should have a professional-looking logo to attract regular subscribers.


If you avoid these mistakes, you should soon have a popular and profitable podcast.


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From Setback to Comeback: Lessons in Failure