Save Time with Content Batching

Not having enough time for planning content, is one of the biggest challenges that I hear from busy entrepreneurs. If you can relate, then let me introduce you to CONTENT BATCHING (this very well could be your new BFF).

Simply put, content batching is when you create a set of content in one sitting. You can plan for the next 2 weeks or 30 days, it's your choice. It can sound like a lot but I promise, batching helps you stay focused, creates a cohesive message across your platforms and really does save time at the end of the day.

Before you get started, you must have an understanding of your target audience and the content that they want to consume. Who wants to waste time creating content that no one wants to see? Not me!

Ready to get started? Follow these steps.

Step 1: Set your goals and create a plan

Set yourself up for success by taking a minute to create your goals. What do you want to accomplish with your content? Do you want to increase brand awareness or do you want to increase sales? After you have set your goals, create a plan to reach them. Determine how often you will publish content, the number of days you will create content in each sitting and on what channels. Schedule time on your calendar for content batching to avoid putting it off for a later time.

Step 2: Brainstorm & Research

Take a day to brainstorm images, articles, content ideas and questions that would interest your audience. Research the types of companies and influencers that your audience follows. Think about any upcoming holidays, special recognition days related to your industry, upcoming promotions or marketing campaigns.

Step 3: Develop Content & Images

Think about the marketing messages. What do you want your audience to know? What emotions do you want to evoke? What actions do you want your audience to take? Collect an assortment of images that relate to your target audience. (By the way, I highly recommend that you invest in branded, high quality images by scheduling a photoshoot). You will then find the best match for the image and content. When creating content, find tools that will help you be successful. I love using Canva Pro to create beautiful graphic designs. There are hundreds of templates and images. Learn more here

Step 4: Schedule

Make your life easier by scheduling your content after batching. I like to use Planoly for Instagram and Facebook.

Step 5: Measure

Schedule some time to track your progress. Look at your social media insights, website analytics, blog analytics, email marketing reports and other benchmarks to make sure you are reaching your audience and they are in love with your content.

Content batching will help you work smarter not harder. Let’s stop wasting time and let’s start creating content folks love.


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