The 4 P’s of Vision Board Success (Part 1)
Your Vision is your dream. A vision is a picture or idea you have in your mind of yourself, your business, or anything you want to manifest in your life.
Here is what having a clear vision can do for you in your life
· Provides clarity and focus
· It will help you pursue dreams and achieve goals.
· Ignite your creativity
· Can motivate you to take action
· Acts as an anchor when things get tough
Simply put your vision shapes your future.
It just might be the most powerful way to keep you focused on what you want while keeping you motivated in achieving it. A vision will open up your mind to the endless possibilities of the future.
Let’s talk about the P’s to your vision board success
1. Purpose
2. Passion
3. Preparation
4. Plan of Action
The first P is Purpose
In order to have a clear vision for your life you have to know your purpose. If you are feeling dissatisfied or unfulfilled, it’s time to reconnect with your purpose.
The 2 greatest days of your life is the day you were born and the day you find out why.
Have you ever asked yourself this question, Who am I or why am I here?
I truly believe that one of the biggest reasons that people are not seeing what’s on the vision board, manifest , is that so many people skip this critical step.
The process of understanding who you are and what you are on earth to accomplish is vital to your success in life.
Vision boards are a type of roadmap for your dreams and goals, you must know your destination. And your destination is tied to your purpose.
Knowing your purpose will help you succeed regardless of any situation or circumstance.
There’s a few things purpose will do for you
1. Purpose gives your life focus and direction. You can set a million goals and achieve most of them. But if your do not have a clear purpose. You can achieve these goals and still not be fulfilled.
2. Helps you prioritize your time and resources. This can help you eliminate some of life’s greatest distractions. From the people you associate with,to the new projects you accept, to knowing when to shut off the tv or get off of social media and get back to business
3. Provides direction and meaning
Always keep in mind that your purpose is not just one thing. It’s who you are and the fullest expression of that to the world.