How to Create a Social Media Strategy-Part 2

The next step in your social media game plan  is to determine how you will measure your social media goals.  

There are a few ways to measure your social media goals.

Social Media Reach

One strategy to measure your social media goals is reach. This is simply the number of followers of your Page who have seen a post  and could potentially interact with you.  When we talk about reach there are two categories, Paid; Organic and Viral.

  • Paid reach is the number of people who had a paid post from your Page enter their screen. 

  • Organic reach is the number of people who had an unpaid post from your Page enter their screen. 

  • Viral reach is the number of people who saw your post from when shared by a friend. These posts can include liking, commenting or sharing your post, answering a question or responding to an event.


Engagement refers to the number of likes, follows, comments, direct messages, clicks and reposts are another way to measure success.  These are all ways to measure engagement.  This shows how many people were interested in your content. 

Lead Generation

When you begin to convert the actions you are taking on social media into real dollars, is when you begin to measure lead generations.  

 Business Page Insights

I like to refer to your Business page insights found on Facebook and Instagram as your own personal marketing researching team.

The Business Insights helps you understand your social media marketing performance, provides valuable information about your audience, post performance, and allows you to create targeted social media advertisements based on this information.

It allows you to see what people are liking, the time of day they are interacting with your page, location, demographics, actions they are taking and more!

This is something that you will want to review on a regular basis to check your progress.  This would be a great action item to add to your social media campaign goals.


How to Create a Social Media Strategy-Part 3


How to Create a Social Media Strategy-Part 1