Networking: One of the Most Overlooked ways to Build Your Business

Relationships matter. Your network is your net worth. Building genuine relationships is a critical factor in the growth and expansion of your business. Building a strong network is a critical part of your personal and business development.

A strong network provides that learning and support, and the access to the people, resources, and opportunities that you need for growth. I attribute much of my success in my business to building meaningful relationships through networking. 

Here’s the catch, effective networking requires time and effort.  

Successful networking involves your ability to connect in genuine and authentic ways. Let’s face it, we do business with people we like. 

The first step in building your network is to establish a connection.  

 Here are a few ways to start connecting: 

1.    Be Genuine– Be sincere, show that you are truly invested in the conversation and your commitment to connect with the person. Give sincere compliments and be yourself. Truly connecting with someone often means you are willing to place yourself in a position of vulnerability by revealing your true self. This will open the door and invite the other person to do the same.

2.    Practice Active Listening-This means listening to understand not to be understood. This is where you make a conscious effort to hear not only the words that another person is saying but, more importantly, try to understand the entire message being sent. This is critical when you are communicating with your clients or customers. Look at the person, clear your mind and give verbal and non-verbal cues that you are listening. Provide feedback by summarizing what was said.

3.    Ask open ended questions-Ask questions that will help you understand more about the person you are speaking with, without getting too personal. A question like “How did you get into this line of business?” Is a good follow-up to “Tell me what you do?

4.    Add value- Bring something to the table.  Be a resource and openly share information that can benefit members of your network. Build bridges by opening your existing network to new contacts.

5.    Follow-up-what is the point of building a connection if you have no intentions on following up. A true connection will develop over time and eventually turn into a meaningful relationship, but you’ll have to make that phone call, send that email or schedule that meeting. Don’t just collect the business card, actually use the information on it to start connecting.


When you are presented with your next opportunity to network, in order to tap into the information, resources, and trust of a person, you must first establish a connection. Connecting is the gateway to endless possibilities.



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