Setting Powerful Goals (Part 2)

Setting goals for your life is the easy part, actually achieving them is the challenging part.

 It can be tough to maintain the motivation you need to stay on track and achieve your goals.

 When it comes to getting started on your goals, there is no magic pill or super-easy tip that will help you get started. The process is different for everyone. You must tap into your motivation, whatever that may be, to help you get started on achieving your goals faster.

Your motivation is more important than the tools you use, it is more important than writing your goals down, and it is more important that the challenges you will face during your progress. Make no mistake, you will face challenges along the way, and that’s why sharing your goals with people in your life is so important to achieving them.

Find your Tribe

While it can be tough, one of the best ways to turn your ideas into achievable goals and habits into lifestyles is to tell your inner circle, or what I like to call your goals tribe, about your goals and plans to achieve them.

Your tribe will be cheering you on as you work toward your goals. There are plenty of ways that you can encourage yourself to stay on track, like keeping your goals easily accessible while you work on them. However, sharing your goals with your tribe and keeping them updated on your progress holds you accountable for your actions, or inaction.

Their support during challenging times and when you are facing setbacks in reaching your goals is invaluable. Their encouragement can help you get back on the right track, and keep you from giving up on your goals.

Keep Moving

Even when you are excited about the goals you've set, your motivation can be affected by many factors, including disappointments, challenges, and setbacks. To keep yourself moving toward your goals after you’ve lost motivation you have to face the situation, confront it, and then take active steps to correct it. When you lose the motivation you rely on to reach your goals, you have to do everything in your power to rekindle the fire.

There is no time like the present to set clear goals to bring you a happier, more fulfilled life. While it isn’t necessarily the easiest process to undergo, with the right determination and persistence, anyone can accomplish the goals that they set.

It is important to remember that the best chance you have to succeed in accomplishing your goals is to set SMART goals. Goals that are Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Time-based. Enlisting your friends and family for support can help you stay on track and reach your goals faster. The most important thing to remember when working toward the goals that you've set is never to give up, no matter how many challenges you face or setbacks you endure.


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Setting Powerful Goals (Part 1)