Top 5 Game changers for Entrepreneurs

Being an entrepreneur is not for the faint at heart. If you are reading this post, you are either an entrepreneur or thinking about becoming one. Congratulations! You decided to go for it! And that takes courage. Starting and running a business comes with great rewards, along with some significant challenges.

Now that you're in the game, you may be looking for ways to take your business to another level. Here are a few things that have been gamechangers to the growth and development of my company.

Don’t work for free-Your business must generate income to be considered a business. If you started your company so that you can give your services away for free, it’s a charity. Charge what you are worth! Never confuse what you are offered with what you are worth.

Less Talk, more action-Talking about your goals and vision will not get you where you want to go. Write the vision, studies show that you are almost 50% more likely to accomplish your goals if they are written down. Plan the vision, a goal without a plan is just a wish. Each goal needs an actionable objective. This will give you a blueprint of how to reach your goal.

Embrace your secret sauce. Your secret sauce is that magic and the thing that sets you apart from your competitors. It's what makes your customers ignore the thousands of businesses that offer the same product or service to work with you or buy your product. Once you tap into your secret sauce, don't be shy about sharing it. No matter how hard someone tries, they cannot duplicate the recipe because they are not YOU!

Be Productive-Stop wearing Busy like a badge of honor. Being busy does not mean that you are productive. Be purposeful and intentional about your time.

Take care of yourself- It’s time to normalize self-care for entrepreneurs. The “grind “culture is dangerous. Working 60+ hours, trying to do everything, and not taking care of yourself does NOT work!

You’ve got what it takes to make it as an entrepreneur. Stay in the game, you’ve got this.


Encouragement for Women Entrepreneurs


Time management tips for busy entrepreneurs