Time management tips for busy entrepreneurs

There are a few things that you can never get back, your time is one of them. It is one of our most precious and often most unvalued resources*. When it’s gone, it’s gone. That is why it is important to make the most out of the 24 hours you have.  

As an entrepreneur, your ability to manage your time is a skill that you can’t live without.

Let’s look at some ways to maximize your time and be more productive.

Be clear on your purpose and priorities. We talk about purpose a lot on this blog. So, you know how important it is for your success. Your “why” should be the driving force in how you approach time management. Every task, thought and decision should connect with your “why”. Purpose provides, clarity, direction, and focus. You can easily prioritize a task, by determining if it aligns with your overall purpose and vision. If it’s not helping you get closer to the goal, eliminate it.

Be realistic-We always hear people tell us about work-life balance, but does it exist? The reality is that areas of our life require more time in different seasons. A new parent will have less time to devote to starting and growing a business than empty nesters. The stages of life and business are always in transition. Give yourself grace in those seasons to focus on what is needed. Don’t get overwhelmed by trying to do it all. You may need to delegate or outsource a certain part of your life or business. Take a breath, reassess and see how you need to manage your time during transitions.

Track your Time- If you are finding that you get to the end of the day and are not getting much accomplished it’s time to do a time audit. Track and evaluate how you are currently spending your time. This can be as simple as keeping track of it on a notecard or using an app to track daily tasks and activities. After a week, you will be able to identify some ways to work more effectively.  

Here are a few more tips you can start using today to take control of your time.

  1. Start with the end in mind. Set monthly goals and work backward. Look at the big monthly picture before setting weekly and daily tasks.

  2. Start each morning by identifying three key tasks that you need to get done that day and then challenge yourself to conquer these tasks.

  3. Stop procrastinating and eat the frog. Do the hardest task first. Surprisingly, this will help you feel more accomplished and fuel your motivation to tackle the rest of your day.

  4. Know what times you function at your highest level. Our energy and focus flow at a natural level throughout the day. Highly productive people know their high and low periods and use this to their advantage.

Always remember, we all have the same 24 hours in a day. It’s up to you what you do with it. Make the most of it!


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